Last Airbender Movie Trailer
You may watch here below the first movie trailer of The Last Airbender, the upcoming movie adaptation of the famous TV cartoon by Director M. Night Shyamalan:
It looks gorgeous! I'm confident that Director M. Night Shyamalan will deliver the epic movie we are all waiting for! Just look at those threatening boats from the Fire nation:

I was already weary of the cast, and the trailer and these pictures are already casting a negative image for me. I understand the difficulties of making an animated film, live action, but this doesn't do it justice.
Ang LOOKS too young, and the tattoo, while a nice attempt at making the arrows realistic, doesn't clearly stand out as much as the blue arrow.
Dev Patel as Zuko? It doesn't look right and you know it.
Its obvious that there had to be some kind of bias towards the casting.
This movie is not coming along very well.
I was literally screaming when I saw the trailer in the movies, I am so excited!! It's such as good show. I am a big avatar fan since it came out on Nickelodeon, I can't wait to see it!!! I hope the movie is as good as the anime series. GO ANG!!
Trailer looks cool. But come on, M. night shamalamadingdong hasn't made a decent movie since the sixth sense. Need I say Lady in the Water? I reserve judgement on how "epic" this movie will be as it looks like it actually had a decent budget. However, lets face facts, when was the last time anyone saw a cartoon-turned-movie that was worth twelve bucks to see? Hell, comic book movies JUST started being good. Lets not forget the terrible lesson of the Dragon Ball movie. Some things are better left on the cell and are only hurt by a bad script, bad acting, bad director, and a movie studio out to capitalize on a successful franchise. I sincerely hope it doesn't suck, just cause I love the show, but the realist tells me that it is very possibley a waste of time for everyone involved. Of course, what do I know? I'm just a guy that prefers real-life and actually being around living breathing people, the nerds that would much rather stay at home, play games, watch kids shows, and avoid any meaningful relationships will probably bash me for daring to say that this movie could very well be crap. Whatever, go ahead, I'll just laugh before going out to enjoy being awesome and having all the fun the haters wish they could have.
ugh . . . just ugh! I always thought it would be hard to turn this awesome series into a live action movie but this is just horrible, i didn't know it was possible to make a movie this bad. The casting(none of them are asian and have you seen twilight?!? rathbones a creep!), the animation and even the screenplay look horendous. I was planning on seeing the movie no matter what because i was a fan of the show but, i can't suffer through this. To me its an insult to the show so stop . . . please just stop.
I think the Avatar movie is going to be great.... Do not even dare to put this in the same category as Dragon Ball Z... This movie has nickelodeon funding which has been putting out some decent movies. Plus they have industrial lights and magic doing the effects... No one can do effects better than they can... Can you say Star WArs? Indiana jones? cmon people they friggin invented Pixar... This movie WILL be epic.. Nickelodeon wants and needs it to be epic... They will punch it full of money and it will pay off in the long run... and Just like the other epic movies that I like I will go and see it 4 or 5 times... I believe it will be worth it.. Thats what Nick- wants...
I've never seen the cast act so that will be one interesting thing... I do know that M. night shamylan doesn't want another flop and he's going to give it his best too... He will help the actors along the way aswell...
Nick and M. night you've got my vote of confidence... :) See you next year!
I am a huge fan of the show and have been one for a very long time but when I saw the trailer I thought to myself "This could be really good or another horrible attempt to make a good animated show into a movie." Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of making it a movie, but I think that if it isn't handled correctly then it will just fail. Personally I never want the show to end and I know a lot of people who think the same. I had always thought a movie would be great way to continue the show, but this might just completely kill the entire Avatar series. The only thing that I can do now is just wait.
I was an extra on this set; and fell in love with this movie!!
It's going to be BIG!!!
For the comments below.The creators of Avatar were involved with this film.So I seriously doubt M.'s gonna mess this up.I don't want to see the cartoon rehashed. I want to see something familiar yet set apart. The cartoon character's are great but honestly where are you going to find people that look like that? I do agree Prince Zuko seems off but so did young Obi-Wan and he turned out great.I liked the trailer and expect great things. I'm excited!
wow.... look like its gonna be somewhat exciting, but my main concern is if toph is in the movie. if they mees toph up i swear it will be hell in the theater... and also if toph isnt in there... i will be mad and probably not watch the movie till nick gives it away for free on dvd..... and guys.. zuko aint that bad lol they should have shaved his left eyebrow to give a more real feel of zuko and sokka omg that dude doesnt even lokk like he has a sense of humor... i hope this movie comes out good. and they should conclude the avatar series and let us know what happen to azula and zuko's mom...
Anyone one who doesn't like M. night shamylan just isn't insightful enough to understand and appriate his films. I am very excited that he IS the one doing this film. So why watch the movie first before we pass judgement o n it.
Reality check: I can say Star Wars, though it usually makes me gag a little. ILM did great with the original set of movies considering the technology at the time, it was cutting edge. These days? Not so much. It's just a rendering farm now, no better than Bungee or any video game company out there. Same goes for Indiana Jones, first three were great, fourth blew, Lucas and Spielberg raped it. Pixar makes cartoons, this is live action, Pixar is crap for adding credibility. So forgive me if attaching the ILM logo onto this movie doesn't convince me of anything. Oh my, Nickelodeon funding!!! Cause THAT'S gonna make a difference. Dragonball was put out by 20th Century Fox, a much bigger studio with a FAR better record for putting out good movies. They failed. Why? Bad script, bad acting, didn't adhere to the story or aesthetics (which DO matter by the way, you wouldn't make a superman movie without the cape). Funding has next to nothing to do with how good a movie is. Troy had probably ten times the budget of Last Airbender, and bigger, better actors in it, yet it tanked. Bad script, too much hype, didn't adhere to the story. You could put the Titanic budget into this movie (which I assure you, they did NOT) and it would just be an even greater loss because that which makes a movie good isn't there. Oh and the creators "being on set" accounts to nothing. Anne Rice was on the set of Queen of the Damned and THAT was a crap movie; bad acting, bad script, didn't adhere to the story. Sense the theme? Not every movie can be great, hell most aren't. Crap flicks can be fun if not taken as anything more than entertainment. Torque, Crank, Wanted, Shoot 'em Up, SexDrive, to name just a few, are prime examples. This movie could end up in the same category of being so bad it circles the bend to be good again. Sadly, Shyamalamadingdong doesn't do movies like that, he does twist movies, which is played out. And he puts himself in every one of his movies, like he's Kevin Smith or something, please.
You can go see it a hundred times buddy, still wont make it anything more than a poor attempt from a failing director, hardly worth the effort. The show got MAYBE a million viewers a week when it was on before syndication, if you're lucky. Add maybe another million fans that didn't watch it regularly or only caught it after syndication. So that's around two million base fans. Say they go and see it with their mom (cause you know they don't have friends). So that's maybe four million people seeing the movie. Average ten bucks per person, forty million dollars boxoffice. It'll be lucky to get that for its run in theaters. Forty million is nothing in the movie business, especially since all those effects made the move cost more than that. The last Harry Potter movie made sixty million its first weekend, just for reference. They bastardized the story to make it have a wider appeal, in doing so they basically raped Ang, killed Sokka, molested Katara, turned Appa into dinner, and pretty much destroyed all that was good about the show. So you see it all you want, I'll use that hard earned cash and spend it on something worth while, like toilet paper.
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